Students » Student Handbook

Student Handbook


Our purpose at Van Bien is to maximize learning for all in a safe, inclusive environment. 


We are expected to show our ROARS behaviour while at school, while going to and from school, at any school function, and in any other circumstance where behaviour impacts the school environment:

  • Support a safe, caring & orderly place to learn.
  • Engage in purposeful learning activities as directed.
  • Maintain an attitude that is cooperative, courteous, and respectful to themselves, others & the school.

Be Respectful 

Be polite/courteous, take turns, ask/get permission to borrow items, use respectful tone & language, wear school appropriate clothing, demonstrate care for property/equipment/environment, treat others with dignity & care, respect differences as well as ethnic, cultural, religious or linguistic heritage, refrain from discrimination of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other reason set out in the Human Rights Code of BC.

Show Ownership

Always do our best, make positive choices, be on time/ready to learn, be honest/truthful, clean up after self/others, fix your mistakes, apologize when have harmed something/someone, be part of the solution in problem solving. 


Complete all tasks to best of ability, ask for/accept help, be on task, use class time well,  best effort work habits, work without interfering the learning of others, show work habits that support learning, celebrate individual/group learning success, access extra help when it is available, be a positive leader.

Be Responsible

Think/act in helpful ways, attend regularly, be on time, act in manner that brings honour/credit to the individual & school, follow directions quickly & cooperatively, follow rules for responsible use of technology.

Be Safe

Move about without causing harm, keep hands/feet to self, walk inside school, walk bicycles/wheeled items on/off property, stay in designated areas, report dangerous situations to staff, give written permission (note from parent/guardian) to the office before leaving school property during school hours, including recess/lunch, promote code of citizenship by reporting acts of bullying or harassment to a "tellable adult", follow the District/School Acceptable Use of Networks policy (#6179) for Internet use.

The behaviours cited above for ROARS are examples only, not an all-inclusive list.

Gotchas "Positive Feedback" - showing ROARS behaviour

Gotcha Tickets recognize "ROARS" behaviour.  They are collected in a draw box in each classroom and one Gotcha per class is drawn weekly.  The draw winners receive a prize and have a photo taken for the Gotcha board.


Our students and staff gather for a weekly assembly to 1) build a sense of school community; 2) teach social responsibility; 3) promote upcoming events; 4) provide a forum for student recognition; 5) reward positive behaviour in the "Gotcha" draw; 6) introduce the social skills being targeted and reinforced. 

Social skills & behavioural expectations are taught school-wide, within the classroom, and actively reinforced.


Clothing worn must be appropriate for a public school environment, fully covers shoulders, chest, stomach, and behinds as well displays respectful sayings/graphics.  Absolutely nothing that promotes the use of alcohol or drugs, or is violent, sexual, or racist in nature. 



  • Interferes with the learning of others
  • Interferes with maintaining an orderly environment
  • Creates unsafe conditions. 

    examples, but not limited to:
  • Defiance, insolence, rudeness, swearing
  • Fighting (or play fighting)
  • Teasing, name calling, put-downs, mistreatment of others, bullying, threats/intimidation, harassment, throwing objects –rocks, sticks, snowball, etc.
  • Running in classrooms/halls/parking lot/bus lane, climbing on goal posts/back stops, tackle sports
  • Unauthorized leaving of school grounds, littering
  • Illegal acts such as theft, vandalism, drugs/alcohol
  • Possession or use of illegal/restricted substances, weapons/objects intended for causing harm, eg. matches, lighters, fireworks, explosives, toxic noxious substances, laser pointers, knives/sharp object



Consequences are tied to the severity and frequency of misconducts, respectful of individual rights & responsibilities, mindful of developmental age, maturity & special needs.  When possible and appropriate consequences will be restorative and meaningful.  The failure of a student to conduct himself or herself appropriately is a teachable moment. In most cases, incidents can be resolved by the student and staff involved. The resolution often includes a consequence/corrective action.  

May consist of:

  • Reminder of expectations, restorative Fix It Plan, problem solving discussion, reset time, learning task, community service, lose privileges, social skills lesson, increased supervision.
  • Home is informed.
  • Incidents that are ongoing or more serious nature result in an Office Referral
  • Collaborative problem solving with parents/guardians
  • Short-term (in-school or home) suspension up to 5 days
  • Long-term suspension (over 5 days) or referral to School District Conduct Review Committee
  • Consultation with police and/or fire department
  • Expulsion


Office Referrals – Mild & Moderate

A student is issued an office referral as a warning that his/her behaviour needs correcting.  Some examples include less severe: mild inappropriate language, disrespect, hands-on and low risk unsafe behaviour.

Office Referrals –Moderate & Major

A student is issued an office referral as a formal notice that his/her behaviour is more serious and needs parent/guardian involvement.  Moderate or major student misconduct observed or confirmed by a staff member may include: threats, verbal/physical abuse, defiance, lying, theft, vulgar/offensive language, vandalism, fighting


Each case is to be judged on its own merits after a comprehensive investigation is completed. Emphasis is on decreasing the likelihood of the behaviour repeating. The severity of the consequences depends on the seriousness of the misconduct, student's behavioural history, degree of willfulness, circumstances that led to the incident, and whether or not the staff member sees evidence that the child is remorseful.  Many misbehaviours result from problems with communication skills.  Consequences should include some effort to help students understand the need for/benefit of developing good communication skills & positive relationships. 

Consequences may include: Counselling, Behaviour Support Plan, Safety Plan, School Based Team / Student Support Services Team Referral, Youth Care Worker Support, District/Community Agencies, Suspension, Referral to SD57 Conduct Review Committee (SCRC) governed by policy #5131.2

As circumstances warrant, the principal, vice-principal or principal designate will advise other parties following a major incident: Parent/guardian of student exhibiting major behaviours, Parent/guardian of student on the receiving end of major behaviours, Assistant Superintendent, Safe Schools team member and/or other District Staff, Ministry agencies and/or School Liaison Office (Police)



  • Intimidation and threats, fighting or violence in any form, verbal or physical abuse, defiance, offensive language, or illegal activities, discrimination in any form including race, colour, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ancestry or national heritage.


  • Cyberspace/Cell Phones, Electronic Devices/Computers – students are to be aware that they may be subject to discipline (or if applicable, confiscation of personal property) for misuse of technology if it negatively impacts on the school environment. 


  • Theft and vandalism
  • Intoxicating or banned substances
  • Weapons or replica (toy) weapons and explosives
  • Intruders or trespassers – ALL visitors must first report to the office

Van Bien Elementary School Code of Conduct 2016-17 has been structured to align with and adhere to the standards outlined in:  The School Act 85 (1.1) 168 (2) (s.1) Provincial Standards Ministerial Order 276/07 effective October 17, 2007,

BC Human Rights Code, BC Ministry of Education: Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools a Guide (Nov.2008), and Developing and Reviewing Codes of Conduct (Aug.2007), both found at


Computers in schools provide access to a wide range of resources including software programs, library catalogues, the Internet and, in some cases, email.  Van Bien School is committed to ensuring that our network systems are used appropriately to address educational goals and that all students are aware of their responsibilities for acceptable use of computer networks. Students are given direct instruction on the safe use of the Internet and network communications and are supervised at all times while using technology. Please Note: If you do not wish your child(ren) to have access to Van Bien's computer network, the school should be notified.

User Responsibilities

• To use computer networks for educational purposes.

• To respect copyright laws.

• To respect the privacy of others.

• To follow established guidelines for computer use and etiquette.

• To report violations to teachers or supervisors or the school administration.

• To use the Internet safely and responsibly, and to immediately leave any site that contains inappropriate content.

Unacceptable Uses

• Using networks for non-education purposes.

• Deliberately damaging equipment or disrupting network performance and services.

• Wasting resources such as paper or time.

• Accessing, damaging or destroying the files of another user.

• Bullying or harassment of others.

• Using language that may be offensive to others.

• Using networks for unlawful purposes.

• Using networks to access or distribute inappropriate material, including material that is      obscene, pornographic, threatening or racially offensive.

 • Using unauthorized copies of information or software.

 • Failing to immediately leave an inappropriate Internet site.

 • Plagiarism, or unauthorized use of someone else's work.

Possible Consequences of Unacceptable Student Use

• Loss of network privileges.

• Disciplinary action through the school or district code of conduct.

• Financial liability for damaged equipment.




For each reporting period Honour Roll status is awarded to Gr. 4-7 students who have a "B" Average. Honour Roll.  

  • Based on all subject areas
  • Requires a "B" average or better
  • Allows only one C+, which has to be counterbalanced by an "A"

Students are also recognized with the W.E.B. Award for achievement in work habits, effort, and behaviour.  In the "Student Behaviour" section of the report, students should receive 3's or better and "Supports Learning" as the comment in all areas.


Students who are on an adapted program in one or more subjects will receive the "Personal Achievement Award" if they have a "B" average.  Only one C+ is allowed, and this must be counter-balanced by an "A".


Students who achieve Honour Roll or WEB Award standing in all three terms will earn a place on the Principal's List for that year, be recognized at the year-end assembly and receive a medallion.


Students are welcome to eat lunch at school provided they comply with these expectations:

  • Eat lunch at their own desks, Remain seated
  • Use a quiet voice when speaking with others
  • Ask a supervisor for permission to leave the classroom
  • Wait for dismissal by a supervisor
  • Clean up when dismissed (litter in garbage cans, chairs in, lunch bags/packs stored)


PERMISSION TO LEAVE SCHOOL GROUNDS: If a child has permission to go off the grounds to a friend's house or elsewhere for lunch, he/she must provide a permission note.



IPODS, music players, cell phones, gaming systems, roller blades, and other valuables are best left at home.  The school does not assume responsibility for these items when lost or stolen.  Primary students are not permitted to carry electronic devices that have a build in camera as it relates to FOIPOP Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Policy.


If Your Child Will Be Absent – 250-563-1062

Please contact the school (563-1062) if your child is going to be absent for any reason.  Your call letting us know your son or daughter is going to be away is a courtesy which will explain the absence and give you the opportunity to tell how missed work may be sent home.  If you do not call, you will likely be contacted by Mrs. Norwood to confirm that your child is legitimately absent.    

If Your Child Is Late Students who are late must check in to the office; they will be issued an APPLE "I checked in" before going to class.

Indoor Shoes for Classroom and Gym Use

Children are required to remove outside footwear when entering school and have suitable inside shoes for the building.  Non-marking gym running shoes are required.

Gym Strip (Intermediate Students)

For P.E., students should have non-marking runners, shorts/sweat pants, T-shirt and a suitable storage bag.  All items are to be clearly marked with your child's name.  Gym strip is to be used for gym classes only and not for general class wear.  Children are to be reminded to take their gym strip home periodically to have it washed.

Safety and Supervision

Ensuring the safety of all students is our most important goal at Van Bien.  Morning supervision begins at 8:15.  Supervisors on the playground are easily identifiable in their fluorescent vests. Although there are generally two or more supervisors on the playground, it is not possible for them to be aware of every problem that occurs.  We work hard to build good citizenship skills, but children are at times reluctant to report behavior that may threaten, intimidate, or simply be dangerous to themselves or others.  We can't deal with problems we don't know about, so if you become aware of an unacceptable situation please let us know as soon as possible.

NO Dogs on School Property – Thank YOU!

To maintain a clean and safe playground environment for students, dogs are not allowed on the school grounds at any time with or without a leash unless the office has authorized a special visit i.e. show & tell, SPCA.